学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 杨灿
导 师: 董晓波
学 校: 南京师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 法庭口译 规范化 理论应用
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 29次
引 用: 0次
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Acknowledgement  8-9
Abstract  9-11
摘要  11-12
Chapter One Introduction  12-15
  1.1 Background of the Study  12-13
  1.2 Research Questions  13
  1.3 Data and Methodology  13-14
  1.4 Structure of the Thesis  14-15
Chapter Two Literature Review  15-25
  2.1 Studies on Court Languages  15-20
    2.1.1 Grammatical Features of Court Languages  15-16
    2.1.2 Registers of Court Languages  16-18
    2.1.3 Language Characteristics of Court Speakers  18-19
    2.1.4 Conclusion  19-20
  2.2 Studies on Roles of Court Interpreters  20-21
  2.3 Studies on History of Court Interpreting  21-22
  2.4 Professionalization Process of Court Interpreting  22-25
Chapter Three Standardization of Court Interpreting in USA  25-47
  3.1 Standardization on Training of Court Interpreters  25-29
    3.1.1 ESIT Mode  25-26
    3.1.2 Court Interpreting Training Guidelines  26-28
    3.1.3 Court Interpreting Curriculum Set  28-29
  3.2 Standardization on Certification of Court Interpreters  29-33
    3.2.1 FCICE Test  29-31
    3.2.2 Criterion of the FCICE test  31-32
    3.2.3 Parameters of the FCICE test  32-33
    3.2.4 Court Interpreting Office  33
  3.3 Standardization on Management of Court Interpreters  33-36
    3.3.1 Recruitment  34
    3.3.2 Orientation  34-35
    3.3.3 Assignment and Payroll  35
    3.3.4 Court Aids  35-36
  3.4 Relevant Rules and Laws  36-41
    3.4.1 Codes of Ethics and Standards of Practice  36-39
    3.4.2 Legislation and Laws on Court Interpreting  39-40
    3.4.3 Associations on Court Interpreting  40-41
  3.5 Theoretical Summary  41-47
    3.5.1 Roles of Court Interpreters  41-43
    3.5.2 Training of Court Interpreting  43-44
    3.5.3 Certification of Court Interpreters  44-45
    3.5.4 Management of Court Interpreters  45-47
Chapter Four Background research of Court Interpreting in China  47-61
  4.1 Research on Application Conditions  47-53
    4.1.1 Comparison of Trial Procedures  48-51
    4.1.2 Comparison of Language Environment  51-53
  4.2 Problems during Court Interpreting  53-58
    4.2.1 Violation of Completeness  53-54
    4.2.2 Violation of Accuracy and Professionalism  54-57
    4.2.3 Violation of Impartiality  57-58
  4.3 Causes for Errors  58-61
    4.3.1 Insufficient Training  58-59
    4.3.2 Inappropriate Treat  59-60
    4.3.3 Lack of Regulations  60-61
Chapter Five Implications for Standardization of Court Interpreting in China  61-70
  5.1 Education and Training  61-66
    5.1.1 Theoretical Preparations  61-62
    5.1.2 College Education  62-64
    5.1.3 Non-college Training Programs  64-65
    5.1.4 Orientation  65
    5.1.5 Coordination between the educational institutions and courts  65-66
  5.2 Certification  66-68
  5.3 Management  68
  5.4 Rules and Laws  68-70
Chapter Six Conclusion  70-72
  6.1 Summary of the Study  70
  6.2 Major Findings and Conclusion  70
  6.3 Implications  70-71
  6.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research  71-72
References  72-74
Appendix  74-75
  Appendix A:Code of Ethics and Professional Responsibilities  74-75


  1. 论德国功能翻译理论对高职应用英语翻译教学的启示,H319
  2. 中国健身房健身器材术语的现状及规范化探索研究,G812.0
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  4. 检察机关量刑建议规范化研究,D926.3
  5. 高校辅导员常规性工作规范化管理,G641
  6. 国家高水平体育后备人才基地规范化建设长效机制研究,G812
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  8. 关于重庆市基层检察机关讯问同步录音录像的调查与思考,D926.3
  9. 论民间借贷的法律规制,F832.4
  10. 论其他行政规范性文件的规制,D922.1
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  21. 黄皮树种植地环境及育苗技术研究,S567.19

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