学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 栾习青
导 师: 徐万治
学 校: 中国石油大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 广告 言语行为理论 理性诉求 情感诉求
分类号: H313
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2011年
下 载: 43次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-8
Chapter 1 Introduction  8-11
  1.1 Research Motivation  8-9
  1.2 Study Questions of the Thesis  9
  1.3 Structure of the Thesis  9-11
Chapter 2 General Literature Review of the Study of Advertising  11-20
  2.1 The Definition of Advertising  11-13
  2.2 The Classification of Advertising  13
  2.3 The Structure of Advertising  13-14
  2.4 Purpose and Function of Advertising  14-15
  2.5 Previous Study on Advertising  15-20
    2.5.1 Non-linguistic Approach  15-16
    2.5.2 Linguistic Approach  16-20
Chapter 3 Theoretical Basis  20-25
  3.1 Origin of Speech Acts  20
  3.2 John Austin's Speech Act Theory  20-22
    3.2.1 Constatives and Performatives  20-21
    3.2.2 The Classification of the Speech Acts  21
    3.2.3 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts  21-22
  3.3 Searle's Speech Act Theory  22-23
    3.3.1 Searle's Felicity Condition on Speech Acts  22
    3.3.2 The Classification of Illocutionary Acts  22
    3.3.3 Indirect Speech Acts  22-23
  3.4 Terms Associated with Quantitative Analysis  23-25
    3.4.1. The Definition of Hypothesis Testing  23
    3.4.2 The Definition of Significance Level  23
    3.4.3 The Definition of Chi-square Test  23-25
Chapter 4 Analysis and Discussion  25-49
  4.1 Analysis Designing  25-26
    4.1.1 Research Objects  25-26
    4.1.2 Research Methodology  26
    4.1.3 Analysis Principle  26
  4.2 Categories of English Commercial Advertising Slogans  26-27
  4.3 Speech Acts in English Commercial Advertising Slogans  27-38
    4.3.1 Speech Acts in Nominal Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans  27-30
    4.3.2 Speech Acts in Verb Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans  30-35
    4.3.3 Speech acts in Modifying Phrase Commercial Advertising Slogans  35-36
    4.3.4 Speech Acts in One Full Sentence Commercial Advertising Slogans  36-37
    4.3.5 Speech Acts in Two or More Sentences Commercial Advertising Slogans  37-38
  4.4 Significance Levels of Frequencies between Six Kinds of Sentences  38-46
    4.4.1 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between assertive and that ofthe others  40-42
    4.4.2 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between (Assertive+Commissives) and (Assertive+Commissives+Directives), Directives, Commissives,Expressive  42-43
    4.4.3 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between (AssertiveCommissives+Directives) and Directives, Commissives, Expressive  43-44
    4.4.4 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between Directives andCommissives, Expressive  44-45
    4.4.5 Significance Levels of Frequencies Differences between Commissives andExpressive  45-46
  4.5 Probable Reasons for the Difference Frequencies of English Commercial AdvertisingSlogans  46-49
Chapter 5 Conclusion  49-50
References  50-52
攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果  52-53
Acknowledgements  53


  1. 非体育领域商品广告中运动项目元素分析,G80-05
  2. 探析中国网络广告联盟的发展,G206
  3. 当代广告舆论化现象研究,G206
  4. 我国名人广告的风险审视与对策研究,G206-F
  5. 鲍德里亚媒介批判理论研究,B089.1
  6. 旅游广告的文化诉求,F713.8
  7. 新媒体环境下企业广告媒体组合策略研究,F713.8
  8. 市场规制法视角下的网络广告法律问题研究,F713.8
  9. 影视广告的艺术化创作研究,J524.3
  10. 中产阶级趣味与底层欲望再现修辞,F713.8
  11. SNS社交网站的植入式广告研究,F49
  12. 中美消费品促销广告中礼貌策略的对比研究,H313
  13. 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
  14. 韵·探究广告设计的中国味,J524.3
  15. 悬赏广告法律问题研究,D923
  16. 商务应用文的汉藏翻译研究,H214
  17. 从社会认知角度看广告中的性别隐喻,H05
  18. 广告语言变异现象研究,H152
  19. 网络广告的特性与效果之间的关系研究,F713.8
  20. 地域文化符号在商业平面广告中的运用,J524.3
  21. 商业广告中的言论自由权探究,D921

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