学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王惠霞
导 师: 李正栓
学 校: 河北师范大学
专 业: 学科教学
关键词: 教学风格理论 启示 中学英语教学
分类号: G633.41
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2008年
下 载: 349次
引 用: 0次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract in English  4-6
Abstract in Chinese  6-7
List of Abbreviations  7-11
Chapter One Introduction  11-15
  1.1. The significance of the research  11-12
  1.2. The research topic  12-14
  1.3. Organization of the thesis  14-15
Chapter Two Literature Review  15-27
  2.1. Categorization of learning styles  16-20
    2.1.1. Cognitive learning styles  18
    2.1.2. Sensory learning styles  18-19
    2.1.3. Environmental learning styles  19
    2.1.4. Personality learning styles  19-20
  2.2. Categorization of teaching styles  20-27
    2.2.1. Anthony Gresham’s five teaching styles  22-23
    2.2.2. The Indiana State University Center for Teaching and Learning’s Four Basic Teaching Styles  23-26
    2.2.3. Four teaching styles based on their sensitivity and inclusion scores  26-27
Chapter Three Empirical Studies on the Teaching Styles of Middle School EFL Teachers  27-37
  3.1. Instrumentation used to ascertain teaching styles in this thesis  27-28
  3.2. Teachers’different preferences for teaching styles  28-29
  3.3. Learning activities students prefer in classrooms  29-31
  3.4. The contradiction between what the teachers think they should do and what they can do  31-32
  3.5. Reasons for students’reticence  32-34
    3.5.1. Lack of self-confidence  32-33
    3.5.2. Abit too modest  33
    3.5.3. Personality development  33
    3.5.4. Classroom atmosphere  33-34
    3.5.5. Non-attractive questions  34
  3.6. Factors that help a teacher to construct his/her own teaching style  34-37
    3.6.1. The teachers’own experience as language learners  34-35
    3.6.2. Experience of what works best  35
    3.6.3. Personality factors  35
    3.6.4. Educationally-based or research-based principles  35-37
Chapter Four Ways to Achieve Effective Teaching and to Be An Outstanding Teacher  37-46
  4.1. Grasha’s suggestions  38
  4.2. Merrill Harmin’s strategies  38-40
    4.2.1. Listening  39
    4.2.2. Activating prior knowledge  39-40
    4.2.3. Reviewing the previous lesson  40
    4.2.4. Monitoring  40
  4.3. Trying to cater for the learning styles  40-43
    4.3.1. Motivate learning  41
    4.3.2. Balance concrete information  41-43
  4.4. Discussion  43-46
Chapter Five Results and Implications  46-49
Chapter Six Conclusion  49-55
Bibliography  55-60
Appendix I Teaching Style Survey ( Grasha-Riechmann )  60-63
Appendix II Teaching Styles Self Evaluation  63-65
Appendix III Teaching Style Inventory  65-73
Acknowledgements  73-74
攻读学位期间取得的科研成果清单  74


  1. 美国退伍军人社会保障制度研究及其对我国的启示,E712
  2. 新民主主义革命时期马克思主义大众化研究,D231
  3. 社会主义女权主义研究,C913.68
  4. 论德国功能翻译理论对高职应用英语翻译教学的启示,H319
  5. 全闽师范学堂与清末福建师范教育,G659.29
  6. 欧盟碳排放权交易市场研究及启示,X196
  7. 延安时期马克思主义大众化的历史考察与经验启示,D231
  8. 胡适语文教育思想研究及当代启示,G633.3
  9. 传统文明的转变,B03
  10. 我国中学英语教学中的国际理解教育研究,G633.41
  11. 合作学习模式在中学英语教学模式中的实践研究,G633.41
  12. 论列宁公仆思想及当代意义,D262.6
  13. 社会主义建设时期毛泽东农业思想研究,F091.93
  14. 中国共产党的土地政策的历史发展和现实启示,F301
  15. 美国社区学院师生关系及其启示,G648.6
  16. 法国成人学习权利保障策略研究,G720
  17. 韩国终身教育法制建设及对我国的启示,G729.1
  18. 新世纪好莱坞影片对我国电影的启示,J905
  19. 1903-1929小学语文教材选文特点研究,G623.2
  20. 历史高考新课标卷与全国Ⅱ卷比较研究,G633.51
  21. 中美思想政治教育比较:方法与功能,G641

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