学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 曹杰
导 师: 靳琰
学 校: 西北师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 礼貌 面子需求 礼貌策略 课堂互动 教师话语
分类号: H030
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2007年
下 载: 440次
引 用: 4次
阅 读: 论文下载




Abstract  7-9
摘要  9-10
List of figures and tables  10-11
List of abbreviations  11-12
Chapter 1 Introduction  12-16
  1.1 Understanding of interaction in the classroom context  12
  1.2 Definition of politeness  12-13
  1.3 Definition of teacher talk(language/utterance/discourse)  13-14
  1.4 Purpose and significance of the study  14-15
  1.5 Organization of the thesis  15-16
Chapter 2 literature review  16-33
  2.1 Introduction  16
  2.2 Review of theories on speech acts  16-19
    2.2.1 Austin and his speech act theory  16-17
    2.2.2 Searle and his indirect speech act theory  17-19
  2.3 Review of politeness theories  19-28
    2.3.1 Leech and his politeness principles  19-20
    2.3.2 Brown & Levinson and their politeness theory  20-27 Concept of face  21 Face threatening acts (FTAs)  21-22 Three independent variables  22 Politeness strategies  22-27
    2.3.3 Gu Yueguo and his Chinese politeness principles  27-28
  2.4 Related studies of teacher politeness in the classroom setting  28-31
    2.4.1 Review of related studies aboard  28-29
    2.4.2 Review of related studies at home  29-31
  2.5 Differences between the present study and the researches before  31-33
Chapter 3 Rationales of the study  33-41
  3.1 Theoretical model of the present study  33-34
  3.2 The definition of teacher directives, questions and feedback  34-37
    3.2.1 Directives in the classroom  34
    3.2.2 Questions in the classroom  34-36
    3.2.3 Feedback in the classroom  36-37
  3.3 Characteristics of interaction in the EFL classroom context  37-38
    3.3.1 Properties of L2 (EFL) classroom interaction  38
    3.3.2 Features of power, distance, and rating of imposition in the EFL classroom context  38
  3.4 Differences between male and female teaching styles  38-39
  3.5 The indirectness framework used in DCT  39-41
Chapter 4 Research methodology  41-45
  4.1 Research questions  41
  4.2 Subjects  41
  4.3 Instruments  41-42
  4.4 Research procedures  42-43
  4.5 Data classification  43
  4.6 Pilot study to test the DCT  43-45
Chapter 5 Analysis of politeness strategies in teachers' discourse  45-75
  5.1 Politeness strategies in directives  45-57
    5.1.1 Direct or bald on record strategy in directives  45-46
    5.1.2 Positive Politeness Strategies in directives  46-49
    5.1.3 Negative Politeness Strategies in directives  49-52
    5.1.4 Off record Politeness Strategies in directives  52-53
    5.1.5 A summary  53-57
  5.2 Politeness strategies in questioning  57-64
    5.2.1. Positive politeness strategies in teacher's questioning  58-60
    5.2.2. Negative politeness strategies in teacher's questioning  60-62
    5.2.3 A summary  62-64
  5.3 Politeness strategies in feedback  64-72
    5.3.1. Form focused feedback  64-66
    5.3.2 Content feedback  66-70
    5.3.3 A summary  70-72
  5.4 Analysis of the results of the DCT  72-75
Chapter 6 Conclusions  75-79
  6.1 An overview of the present study  75-76
  6.2 Implications of the present study  76-77
    6.2.1 Study of teacher language from a pragmatic perspective  76
    6.2.2. Implication for teacher education and classroom practices  76-77
  6.3 Limitations of the present study  77-78
  6.4 Suggestions for the further researches  78-79
Bibliography  79-83
Appendix I  83-87
Appendix II  87-92
致谢  92


  1. 课堂互动对高中生英语口语能力影响的行动研究,G633.41
  2. 中美消费品促销广告中礼貌策略的对比研究,H313
  3. 英语教师话语标记语的元功能分析,H319
  4. 不同性别大学英语教师指令性言语行为语用研究,H319
  5. 合作原则框架下的中学英语课堂教师话语分析,G633.41
  6. 股票经纪人与客户会话中的礼貌策略分析,H030
  7. 中西面子观的差异与语用策略,H030
  8. 高中英语课堂教师话语研究,G633.41
  9. 《威尼斯商人》对话的语用分析,I561
  10. 中美时尚杂志中化妆品广告语篇的礼貌策略对比研究,H152
  11. 美国总统演讲辞中的语用移情功能研究,H313
  12. 对中国医患对话中模糊限制语的语用研究,H030
  13. 电视剧《绝望的主妇》中委婉语的语用分析,H313
  14. 教师课堂话语的多模态分析,H319
  15. 英日汉礼貌语比较,H313;H36
  16. 从礼貌原则和面子理论的角度分析美国总统在中国大学演讲中的礼貌现象,H313
  17. 以“转移”为中心研究中国人在日语方面的误用,H36
  18. 中国跨国公司内部英文电子邮件中请求言语行为的语用分析,H313
  19. 接续助词“けれども”的语用功能,H36
  20. 礼貌策略及其在外贸函电中的运用,H319
  21. 《红楼梦》中的礼貌现象及其翻译,H13

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