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A Comparative Study on Semantic Extension of Taste Words in English and Chinese--From Cognitive and Cultural Perspectives

作 者: 李杨
导 师: 朱文俊
学 校: 北京语言大学
专 业: 外国语言学与应用语言学
关键词: Metaphor Semantics Target Domain Food Culture Taste Words
分类号: H319
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2004年
下 载: 147次
引 用: 0次
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Our sensory organs are the basic cognitive apparatus that as a whole makes it possible for us to interact with the outside word. Among the five physical senses we have, taste is of unique significance to us.The analysis in this paper adopts a cognitive-semantic approach combined with a diachronic study of the semantic change of the words "sweet", "sour", "bitter", "salty" and "spicy" in English and Chinese in an attempt to work out a route of the semantic extension of major taste words in these two languages against an overall cognitive and cultural background.


Introduction  6-9
Chapter Ⅰ Physiological Bads for Cognitive Studies on Taste Words  9-12
  1.1 Types of Tastes  9
  1.2 Structure of Gustatory Organ  9-11
  1.3 How the Sense of Taste Works  11-12
Chapter Ⅱ The Importance of Taste  12-16
  2.1 Significance of Perceptual Experience  12-13
  2.2 The Current Status of Taste Among the Five Senses  13-15
  2.3 Status of Taste Redefined  15-16
Chapter Ⅲ An Overview of Cognitive Studies  16-19
  3.1 Cognitive Science  16-17
  3.2 Cognitive semantics  17-19
Chapter Ⅳ Conceptual Metaphors  19-21
  4.1 Theoretical Overview  19-20
  4.2 Embodied Metaphor  20-21
Chapter Ⅴ Metaphorical Mappings in the Sense of Taste  21-38
  5.1 Food Metaphors  21-22
  5.2 Metaphorical mechanism underlying semantic changes of the words 'sweet','sour' and 'bitter' in English and Chinese  22-33
    5.2.1 TASTE→SMELL  23-25
    5.2.2 TASTE→VISION, HEARING  25-27
    5.2.4 TASTE→MENTAL STATES  29-30
    5.2.6 TASTE→PERSONALITY  30-32
  5.3 A Brief Analysis of 'Salty' and 'Spicy'  33-36
    5.3.1 'Salty'  33-35
    5.3.2 'Spicy'  35-36
  5.4 Summary-The Route of Semantic Extension of Taste Words in English and Chinese  36-38
Chapter Ⅵ. Cultural Reflections on Semantic Extension of Taste Words  38-47
  6.1 British and Chinese Food Cultures  38-40
  6.2 A Mapping of SOUR onto Body Taste in Chinese  40-41
  6.3 'Sour' vs.'Bitter' as opposed to 'Sweet'  41-42
  6.4 Distinct Views about SPICY  42-47
Works Cited  47-49
Appendix: Selected expressions with 'sour' and 'bitter' in Chinese  49-50


  1. 道亦有道,H052
  2. 语气副词“倒”的句法、语义、语用考察,H146
  3. 现代汉语中的日语借词,H36
  4. 英汉语中“心”之研究,H05
  5. Spatial Concepts and CONTAINER Metaphor,H05
  6. 从对容器隐喻的掌握看中国学生对英语概念隐喻的学习,H319
  7. 经济类英文期刊中隐喻理解的有效途径,H315
  8. 时间在英汉词汇中的隐喻表征,H030
  9. 及物性结构的喻化及其文体效果,H05
  10. 从焦点的观点看汉语中的分裂句和准分裂句,H146.3
  11. 语法隐喻,H314
  12. 英汉设喻对比及其翻译对策,H315.9
  13. 广告人的目标在英文广告中的体现,F713.80
  14. 隐喻或讽喻:定型与特质建构话语理解,H05
  15. 广播英语新闻中的名词化现象分析—语法隐喻之视角,H314.3
  16. 二语隐喻理解中的文化制约现象,H05
  17. In Pursuit of the Real--A Study of Flaubert\'s Parrot,I106.4
  18. A Study of English Gradable Antonyms,H313
  19. 隐喻在诗歌中的运用,I052
  20. The Study of Metaphor in the Bible: A Cognitive Approach,H05
  21. The Role of Transfer and Familiarity in Comprehension and Production of English Metaphors by Chinese First-year English Majors,H315.9

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