学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 丁燕燕
导 师: 徐莉娜
学 校: 中国海洋大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 译者主体性 译者的隐身 《飘》
分类号: I046
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 96次
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摘要 5-6 Abstract 6-10 Chapter 1 Introduction 10-13 1.1 The Research Background 10-11 1.2 The Significance of this Research 11 1.3 The Structure of this Thesis 11-12 1.4 The Purpose of this Research 12-13 Chapter 2 The Marginal Status and "Invisibility" of the Translator 13-21 2.1 The Marginal Status of the Translator 13-15 2.2 "Invisibility" of the Translator 15-21 2.2.1 Authorship 17-18 2.2.2 Copyright Law and Translation Contracts 18-19 Copyright Law 18 Translation Contracts 18-19 2.2.3 Trade Imbalance 19-21 Chapter3 Manifestations and Restrictions of the Translator's Subjectivity 21-39 3.1 Definition of the Translator's Subjectivity 21-22 3.2 Manifestations of the Translator's Subjectivity 22-27 3.2.1 Selection of the Original Texts 23-24 3.2.2 The Translator as a Reader 24-25 3.2.3 The Translator as a Writer 25-27 The Translation Strategies Adopted by the Translator 25 The Translator's Manipulation of Words and Languages 25-27 3.3 Foreignization Advocated by Venuti 27-32 3.3.1 A Brief Overview of Foreignization and Domestication 27-28 3.3.2 Foreignization 28-29 3.3.3 The Role of Foreignization in Cultural Communication 29-32 Foreignizating Translation as the Expression of Cultural Difference 30-31 Foreignizing Translation as the Expression of Linguistic Difference 31-32 3.4 Restrictions of the Translator's Subjectivity 32-35 3.4.1 Translation Criteria 33-34 3.4.2 Restrictions of the Patronage 34-35 3.4.3 Restrictions of the Reader in the Target Language 35 3.5 Evaluation of Venuti's Translation Theory 35-39 3.5.1 Contributions of Venuti's Translation Theory 36-37 3.5.2 Limitations of Venuti's translation Theory 37-38 3.5.3 Enlightenment to Translations in China 38-39 Chapter 4 A Case Study of the Novel Gone with the Wind 39-57 4.1 A Brief Introduction of the Novel Gone with the Wind 39-41 4.1.1 The Author: Margaret Mitchell 39 4.1.2 The Story 39-41 4.2 Introduction of the Translators 41-43 4.3 Selection of the Original Text 43-45 4.3.1 Selection of Gone with the Wind in1940s 43 4.3.2 Selection of Gone with the Wind in1990s 43-44 4.3.3 The Translator as a Reader 44-45 4.4 The Translator as a Writer 45-57 4.4.1 Abridging 45-47 4.4.2 Manipulation of Words and Sentence 47-51 Manipulation of Words 48-50 Manipulation of Sentence 50-51 4.4.3 The Role of Foreignization in Cultural Communication 51-57 Chapter 5 Conclusion 57-59 5.1 Summary of this Thesis 57-58 5.2 Limitations of this Thesis 58 5.3 Suggestions for Further Study 58-59 References 59-62 Acknowledgements 62-63 个人简历 63-64 发表的学术论文 64-65 研究成果 65
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