学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示
作 者: 李大方
导 师: 李力
学 校: 中国海洋大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 葛浩文 翻译策略 适应与选择 翻译适应选择论
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 251次
引 用: 1次
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摘要 4-5 Abstract 5-10 Introduction 10-14 1 A Brief Introduction to Howard Goldblatt 10-12 2 A General Review of Research on Howard Goldblatt's Translation Activities 12-14 Chapter One Lang Tuteng and its Translation 14-19 1.1 Introduction to the Source Text 14-16 1.1.1 Synopsis of Lang Tuteng 14-15 1.1.2 Features of Lang Tuteng 15-16 1.2 Howard Goldblatt's Translation of Lang Tuteng 16-19 1.2.1 Reasons behind the Translator's Selection of the Source Text 16-17 1.2.2 The Reception and Review of the Target Text 17-19 Chapter Two An Ecological Theory of Translation Studies:TAS 19-34 2.1 Basic Terms and Principles of TAS 19-22 2.2 The Cultural Turn of Translation Studies and the Growing Visibility of Translators 22-25 2.3 Translation:An Unending Process of Adaptation and Selection 25-26 2.4 Translator's Instinctive Adaptation and Selection 26-34 2.4.1 Translator's Adaptation/Selection to Internal Needs and Competence 26-29 2.4.2 Translator's Multi-dimensional Adaptation/Selection to Translational Eco-environment 29-34 Adaptation/Selection to the ST, Linguistic and Cultural Differences, the ST Author 29-31 Adaptation/Selection to Target Readers and the Publisher 31-34 Chapter Three Goldblatt's Adaptive Selection of TranslationStrategies 34-44 3.1 Translation Strategies:Domestication vs Foreignization 34-37 3.2 The Translator's Adaptive Selection of Translation Strategies—from the Perspective of TAS 37-44 3.2.1 The Translation Strategies of Lang Tuteng 37-39 3.2.2 Goldblatt's Adaptive Selection of Translation Strategies—Analysed from the Perspective of TAS 39-44 Chapter Four The Translation Strategies of Lang Tuteng Embodiedin the Translator's Adaptive Selection and Transformation:A CaseStudy 44-76 4.1 Adaptive Selection and Transformation at Textual Level:Addition & Omission 44-54 4.1.1 Addition outside the Main Body of Wolf Totem 44-48 4.1.2 Omission at Sentence and Paragraph Level 48-54 4.2 Adaptive Selection and Transformation of the Preserved Contents in the Main Body of the Novel:Analysed at the Micro-level 54-76 4.2.1 Adaptive Selection and Transformation from Linguistic Dimension 54-65 Selection and Transformation in Line with the Hypotactic Feature of English and Paratactic Feature of Chinese 55-62 Selection and Transformation in Line with the Static Feature of English and Dynamic Feature of Chinese 62-65 4.2.2 Adaptive Selection and Transformation from Cultural Dimension 65-76 Selection and Transformation of Idioms, Proverbs, and Expressions Prevalent in Specific Historical Periods or Related with Religion 65-71 Selection and Transformation of Culture-specific Expressions Deeply Rooted in Chinese History, Literature, Ideology, etc 71-76 Conclusion 76-79 References 79-83 Appendix 83-84 Acknowledgements 84-85 Personal Information 85 List of Publications 85
- 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
- 论葛浩文的翻译思想,H059
- 顺应论视角下的小说对话翻译研究,I046
- 从翻译适应选择论角度比较鲁迅与林语堂的翻译思想,I046
- 功能翻译理论视域下韩国语新闻标题的汉译策略研究,H55
- “接受美学”观照下的汉英公示语翻译,H315.9
- 从目的论看中国宾馆名称的翻译,H059
- 女性主义视角下的陶洁译《紫颜色》研究,I046
- 女性译者的女性意识,H315.9
- 电影《七宗罪》字幕翻译的功能主义分析,H315.9
- 从接受美学看《论语》韦利译本,H315.9
- 诗歌汉英翻译中的留白策略研究,H315.9
- 基于会话含义理论的小说对话翻译研究—,H059
- 法律术语的文化因素及其翻译策略,H059
- 化妆品广告汉译的目的和策略,H059
- 基于文本类型理论的英语商务文本汉译策略研究,H315.9
- 关联理论视角下中国电影字幕中文化因素的翻译研究,H315.9
- 目的论视角下的英语影视字幕汉译策略研究,H315.9
- 意识形态对文学翻译的操控,I046
- 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9
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