学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 李大方
导 师: 李力
学 校: 中国海洋大学
专 业: 英语语言文学
关键词: 葛浩文 翻译策略 适应与选择 翻译适应选择论
分类号: H315.9
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 251次
引 用: 1次
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摘要  4-5
Abstract  5-10
Introduction  10-14
  1 A Brief Introduction to Howard Goldblatt  10-12
  2 A General Review of Research on Howard Goldblatt's Translation Activities  12-14
Chapter One Lang Tuteng and its Translation  14-19
  1.1 Introduction to the Source Text  14-16
    1.1.1 Synopsis of Lang Tuteng  14-15
    1.1.2 Features of Lang Tuteng  15-16
  1.2 Howard Goldblatt's Translation of Lang Tuteng  16-19
    1.2.1 Reasons behind the Translator's Selection of the Source Text  16-17
    1.2.2 The Reception and Review of the Target Text  17-19
Chapter Two An Ecological Theory of Translation Studies:TAS  19-34
  2.1 Basic Terms and Principles of TAS  19-22
  2.2 The Cultural Turn of Translation Studies and the Growing Visibility of Translators  22-25
  2.3 Translation:An Unending Process of Adaptation and Selection  25-26
  2.4 Translator's Instinctive Adaptation and Selection  26-34
    2.4.1 Translator's Adaptation/Selection to Internal Needs and Competence  26-29
    2.4.2 Translator's Multi-dimensional Adaptation/Selection to Translational Eco-environment  29-34 Adaptation/Selection to the ST, Linguistic and Cultural Differences, the ST Author  29-31 Adaptation/Selection to Target Readers and the Publisher  31-34
Chapter Three Goldblatt's Adaptive Selection of TranslationStrategies  34-44
  3.1 Translation Strategies:Domestication vs Foreignization  34-37
  3.2 The Translator's Adaptive Selection of Translation Strategies—from the Perspective of TAS  37-44
    3.2.1 The Translation Strategies of Lang Tuteng  37-39
    3.2.2 Goldblatt's Adaptive Selection of Translation Strategies—Analysed from the Perspective of TAS  39-44
Chapter Four The Translation Strategies of Lang Tuteng Embodiedin the Translator's Adaptive Selection and Transformation:A CaseStudy  44-76
  4.1 Adaptive Selection and Transformation at Textual Level:Addition & Omission  44-54
    4.1.1 Addition outside the Main Body of Wolf Totem  44-48
    4.1.2 Omission at Sentence and Paragraph Level  48-54
  4.2 Adaptive Selection and Transformation of the Preserved Contents in the Main Body of the Novel:Analysed at the Micro-level  54-76
    4.2.1 Adaptive Selection and Transformation from Linguistic Dimension  54-65 Selection and Transformation in Line with the Hypotactic Feature of English and Paratactic Feature of Chinese  55-62 Selection and Transformation in Line with the Static Feature of English and Dynamic Feature of Chinese  62-65
    4.2.2 Adaptive Selection and Transformation from Cultural Dimension  65-76 Selection and Transformation of Idioms, Proverbs, and Expressions Prevalent in Specific Historical Periods or Related with Religion  65-71 Selection and Transformation of Culture-specific Expressions Deeply Rooted in Chinese History, Literature, Ideology, etc  71-76
Conclusion  76-79
References  79-83
Appendix  83-84
Acknowledgements  84-85
Personal Information  85
List of Publications  85


  1. 基于互文性视角的广告翻译研究,H059
  2. 论葛浩文的翻译思想,H059
  3. 顺应论视角下的小说对话翻译研究,I046
  4. 从翻译适应选择论角度比较鲁迅与林语堂的翻译思想,I046
  5. 功能翻译理论视域下韩国语新闻标题的汉译策略研究,H55
  6. “接受美学”观照下的汉英公示语翻译,H315.9
  7. 从目的论看中国宾馆名称的翻译,H059
  8. 女性主义视角下的陶洁译《紫颜色》研究,I046
  9. 女性译者的女性意识,H315.9
  10. 电影《七宗罪》字幕翻译的功能主义分析,H315.9
  11. 从接受美学看《论语》韦利译本,H315.9
  12. 诗歌汉英翻译中的留白策略研究,H315.9
  13. 基于会话含义理论的小说对话翻译研究—,H059
  14. 法律术语的文化因素及其翻译策略,H059
  15. 化妆品广告汉译的目的和策略,H059
  16. 基于文本类型理论的英语商务文本汉译策略研究,H315.9
  17. 关联理论视角下中国电影字幕中文化因素的翻译研究,H315.9
  18. 目的论视角下的英语影视字幕汉译策略研究,H315.9
  19. 意识形态对文学翻译的操控,I046
  20. 目的论视角下河南自然景观景介的英译,H315.9

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