学位论文 > 优秀研究生学位论文题录展示


作 者: 王洒
导 师: 张绍杰
学 校: 东北师范大学
专 业: 外国语言学及应用语言学
关键词: 刻意曲解 顺应理论 语用 中国相声
分类号: J826
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2006年
下 载: 417次
引 用: 5次
阅 读: 论文下载




English abstract  4-6
Chinese abstract  6-9
Ⅰ. Introduction  9-17
  1.1 The object of the study  9-14
    1.1.1 Two related phenomena  9-11
    1.1.2 The definition of deliberate misinterpretation  11-13
    1.1.3 The similarity and difference between DMI and misunderstanding  13-14
  1.2 The rationale of the study  14-15
  1.3 The objectives of the study  15-16
  1.4 Methodology and data collection  16
  1.5 The organization of the thesis  16-17
Ⅱ. A Review of related studies and Theoretical Background  17-26
  2.1 A review of related studies  17-24
    2.1.1 Deliberate misinterpretation from logical perspective  17-19
    2.1.2 Deliberate misinterpretation from pragmatic perspective  19-24 Deceiving strategy  20 Protecting strategy  20-21 Misunderstanding strategy  21-23 Facework strategy  23 Communicative strategy  23-24
    2.1.3 Deliberate misinterpretation from rhetoric perspective  24
    2.1.4 Deliberate misinterpretation from integrate linguistic perspective  24
  2.2 Theoretical Background  24-26
Ⅲ. Triggers of Deliberate Misinterpretation in Chinese Cross Talk  26-37
  3.1 Minimal information provided by S1  26-28
  3.2 Indeterminacy of 51’s conversational utterance  28-37
    3.2.1 Linguistic ambiguity in 51’s utterance  29-32
    3.2.2 S1’s indirect speech acts  32-33
    3.2.3 S1’s conversational implicature  33-34
    3.2.4 figurative language  34-37
Ⅳ. Ways of Deliberate Misinterpretation in Chinese Cross Talk  37-44
  4.1 Intentional Distortion  37-38
  4.2 Creating new meaning  38-39
  4.3 Disregarding the speech in situation  39-40
  4.4 Being overliteral  40-42
  4.5 Changing the topic  42-44
Ⅴ. Functioning of Deliberate Misinterpretation in Chinese Cross Talk  44-60
  5.1 Contextual correlates affecting the choice of DMI  44-54
    5.1.1 DMI as a means of adaptation to the social world  45-48 Adapting to social settings  45-46 Adapting to social norms  46-47 Adapting to the power relation  47-48
    5.1.2 DMI as a means of adaptation to the mental world  48-54 Adaptations to personality  49-50 Adapting to motivations  50-53 Adapting to emotions  53-54
  5.2 Communicative functions of DMI  54-60
    5.2.1 Improving interpersonal relationship  54-57 Breaking a deadlock  54-56 Resolving interpersonal conflicts  56 Maintaining interpersonal harmony  56-57
    5.2.2 Creating special communicative effects  57-60 Generating humorous effects  57-58 Creating sarcastic effects  58-60
Ⅵ. Conclusion  60-61
Bibliography  61-63
Appendix  63-64
Acknowledgement  64


  1. 文学语言的模糊修辞研究,H05
  2. 高中英语教学中的跨文化交际语用失误研究,G633.41
  3. 形式、意义、运用相结合的高中英语语法教学研究,G633.41
  4. 《水浒传》、《西游记》、《金瓶梅》、《红楼梦》语气词比较研究,H146
  5. 关联—顺应模式下英汉词语文化联想意义的翻译研究,H315.9
  6. 门诊医患会话患者应答语信息过量的语用研究,H13
  7. “好汉两个半”中语音歧义的语用效果研究:言语行为理论视角,H313
  8. 顺应论视角下《傲慢与偏见》的言语反讽研究,I561
  9. 一词多义语用充实现象的关联理论研究,H030
  10. 影视台词中的语用原则体现,H030
  11. 汉英亲属称谓语的多角度对比与研究,H313
  12. 中文博客中的汉英语码转换研究,H136.5
  13. 言语交际中“刻意曲解”作为语用策略的顺应性研究,H030
  14. 从顺应理论视角看脱口秀中的性别差异,H030
  15. 刻意曲解的言语行为研究,H030
  16. 现代汉语号召语研究,H13
  17. 《红楼梦》拒绝语研究,I207.411
  18. 日常话语中语用曲解现象新研究,H030
  19. 顺应理论下的译者主体性研究,H059
  20. 功能—语用视角的翻译质量评估模式建构,H059
  21. 从顺应论角度看化妆品品牌名翻译之文化迁移,H059

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