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作 者: 陈以欣
导 师: 杨之曙
学 校: 清华大学
专 业: 应用经济学
关键词: 社会责任投资基金 道德基金 伦理基金 共同基金 中国大陆 香港 台湾 表现评估 单因素模型 三因素模型 夏普比率 特雷诺比率
分类号: F832.5
类 型: 硕士论文
年 份: 2010年
下 载: 73次
引 用: 0次
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摘要  3-4
Abstract  4-8
Chapter 1 Introduction  8-10
  1.1 Presentation  8
  1.2 Research topic  8-9
  1.3 Methodology  9
  1.4 Plan of the thesis  9-10
Chapter 2 Socially Responsible Funds  10-32
  2.1 Research Background  10-16
    2.1.1 Definition  10-12
    2.1.2 A Brief History and Explanation of SRI  12-14
    2.1.3 Strategies used for SRI  14-16
  2.2 SRI in the World  16-21
    2.2.1 Global Context  16-20
    2.2.2 Possible reasons behind the fast growth of SRI market  20-21
  2.3 SRI In Mainland China  21-28
    2.3.1 SRI mutual funds in China  23-25
    2.3.2 China’s first series of environment themed closed‐ended funds  25-26
    2.3.3 China’s first environmental industry fund  26
    2.3.4 A SRI Hedge Fund In Hong‐Kong investing in China  26-27
    2.3.5 The first social index in China  27
    2.3.6 A growing number of future SRI funds  27-28
  2.4 SRI In Hong‐Kong  28-29
  2.5 SRI In Taiwan  29-32
Chapter 3 Literature Review  32-37
Chapter 4 Methodology  37-47
  4.1 Modelling Mean Returns with Jensen’s alpha  37-38
  4.2 Evaluating the Fund Manager’s Market Timing Capability: the Treynor‐Mazuy Mode  38-39
  4.3 Modelling Mean Returns with a multi‐factor model : Fama and French  39-43
    4.3.1 Formation of the Six Portfolio at Time t  41-43
  4.4 Modelling the Variability of Returns: GARCH(1, 1)  43
  4.5 Ranking of Mutual Funds based on risk‐adjusted performance  43-47
    4.5.1 The Treynor Index  43-44
    4.5.2 The Sharpe Ratio  44-45
    4.5.3 The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient and the t‐value  45-47
Chapter 5 Data  47-56
  5.1 Mainland China  48-53
    5.1.1 The SRI Funds in China  48-49
    5.1.2 Benchmarks  49-50
    5.1.3 Construction of the six Fama‐and‐French Portfolios for each year  50-53
  5.2 Greater China  53-56
    5.2.1 Taiwan and Hong‐Kong SRI funds  53
    5.2.2 Risk‐free Rates in Hong‐Kong and Taiwan  53-54
    5.2.3 Market Returns in Hong‐Kong and Taiwan  54-55
    5.2.4 Survivorship Bias  55-56
Chapter 6 Results  56-102
  6.1 Mainland China  56-79
    6.1.1 Modelling Mean Returns with Jensen’s Alpha  57-61
    6.1.2 Multi‐factor Model: Fama and French Results  61-65
    6.1.3 Ranking of Mutual Funds Based on Risk‐Adjusted Performance  65-72
    6.1.4 Treynor‐Mazuy regression results  72-78
    6.1.5 Modelling variability of returns: GARCH(1,1) results  78-79
  6.2 Greater China: Comparison with SRI funds in Hong‐Kong and Taiwan  79-102
    6.2.1 Jensen CAPM Results  80-86
    6.2.2 The Persistence Of Differences In Performance  86-102
Chapter 7 Conclusion and future work  102-104
  7.1 Conclusion on the results of this research  102-103
  7.2 Future work  103-104
References  104-107
Acknowledgements  107-108
Resume  108


  1. 基于社会网络视角的台湾文化创意产业研究,G124
  2. 台湾地区大学系所评鉴制度研究,G647
  3. 对台电视新闻节目传播策略研究,G222
  4. 中国大陆与台湾专业体育院校体操类课程内容的比较研究,G831
  5. 沪港现行高中语文教材阅读部分比较研究,G633.3
  6. 基于投资者情绪的四因素模型实证研究,F224
  7. 《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》汉英对译本疑问句对比分析,H315.9
  8. 浅析日据时期台湾油画发展,J213
  9. 韩剧在台湾热销的关键因素之研究,J943
  10. 陈黎诗歌创作透析,I207.25
  11. 台湾文学的文化形象与身份认同,I206.7
  12. 论香港特别行政区行政机关与立法会的关系,D921.9
  13. 黄东海营养盐分布特征以及台湾东北部冷涡上升流的初步研究,P734.2
  14. 湘北桤木人工林土壤水分动态及影响因素研究,S792.14
  15. 新世纪香港城市爱情剧研究,J905
  16. 大陆与台湾外来词对比研究,H136.5
  17. 市盈率分解及其应用,F224
  18. 知情交易与基金业绩实证研究,F830.9
  19. 中国个人理财的现状分析,F832.2
  20. 内地与香港金融服务贸易竞争力的比较及启示,F832;F224

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